Are you looking for greener and healthier products to be installed in your home or business?
Do you know that installing a specific type of porcelain tiles could improve the air quality and hygiene of the space?
There are flooring and wall products that could harm the air quality of your interior. For example, certain types of vinyl-based products could have a higher level of emission of Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) after the installation due to the lower material quality used in the production.
If your loved one is dealing with asthma and allergies, you should look carefully into product specifications and choose to buy products from trusted manufacturers.
To address the issues above, a few years ago Italian ceramic tile manufacturers started developing coating technology to enhance the antibacterial properties of tiles and their ability to absorb volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air.
One of the first such products on the market was Active Surfaces by the Italian brand Fiandre.
In the last two years, due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the trend has accelerated. Today many more manufacturing companies are producing self-cleaning, antiviral and antibacterial tiles.
Some other examples are antibacterial tiles on the market by Marrazi, Italcer or Casalgrande Padana.

If you are considering installing antibacterial tile for your home and business, many options are currently available. If you need help selecting the right product with a design that works for you, our team could help you source it locally in Toronto.
After you decide on the product properties and look, our installers could do their part to transform your home into a more healthy and beautiful space.

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